Title: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
Rating: PG
Synopsis: When Hiccup discovers Toothless isn’t the only Night Fury, he must seek “The Hidden World”, a secret Dragon Utopia before a hired tyrant named Grimmel finds it first.
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Hold your fire! Before you continue reading… there WILL be spoilers in this article. I highly recommend getting on your dragon and flying off to the nearest theater before reading any further.
It’s been nine years since the first movie came out, so watching this final installment of the series brought on feelings of nostalgia and I would bring a pack of tissues (no, not because of all the dragon slobber… even though there is a lot of that throughout the movie).
The movie takes place a little while after the events of the second move – Hiccup is chief and dragons are a huge part of Berk. You think this is a good thing until it becomes clear that their acceptance of dragons is exactly what makes them an easy target for enemies.
Sure, dragons breathe fire, they’re big, dangerous creatures… but take away the alpha and you have no way to control them. For Hiccup, his people and all their dragons – Toothless is the alpha.
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Toothless later becomes distracted when a female Night Fury (or better yet, a“Light Fury” – as she is bright, shimmering and beautiful), captures the attention of Hiccups dragon. This poses a problem, as a man known as Grimmel had his heart set on killing every Night Fury out there, as well as stealing all of Berk’s dragons, and he’s using the Light Fury to do just that.
Of all the movies, I definitely want to say that the third movie has to be my favorite. It has a captivating story-line that captures you from the moment it starts – it is action-packed, with comedy riddled throughout.
The animation and scenery throughout was incredible, there were moments where it felt like I was looking at a real beach, ocean or even into a real forest. The tiniest of details on characters even made it feel as if I were looking at a real human being or a dragon at times.
This movie is perfect to watch with little ones, though there are some frightening moments that may bother some children. Grimmel’s dragons, which he calls “Deathgrippers”. They come across looking like a giant scorpion/dragon mix, with fangs that are retractable, a fiery acid and a tail that has a stinger on the end – while they looked awesome to me, I can picture that some children may be spooked by these dragons.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is a movie that deserves to be seen in theaters at least once (seriously considering seeing it again) so that you can see all the beautiful, amazing details on the big screen.