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Make moving home a little easier on yourself

Make moving home a little easier on yourself

Make moving home a little easier on yourself

Among the many possible stressful life events that exist, moving house is one of them. Between the cleaning, the packing, the unpacking – it’s no wonder why people would rather sit tight and stay where they are!

But like many things in life, moving has to be done! All you can do is try to lessen the pain and ease some of the stress of it all. Want to make it a little easier on yourself? Here are some tips to help you with your next move.

Project manage it

Moving can be overwhelming, with a lot of jobs that need doing to get you from one home to the next. When faced with any project like this, you need to break it down to make sure you don’t miss anything. So why not put your project manager hat on and get organized with it? You can start by working backwards from your moving day to help you fit everything into your schedule.

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Get ready to plan and prepare for your move so that you can get organized with your move.

Take each room at a time

Instead of trying to tackle multiple rooms at once, plan your move one room at a time. It’s a good opportunity for you to declutter each room so that you can get rid of anything you don’t want to take to your new home. Some good decluttering tips include looking at everything to make sure you do the job fully, as well as setting a timer to help you work quickly.

When decluttering, make several piles for things you can recycle, donate and sell. You never know what uses other people might have for your unwanted goods!

Get some help on moving day

Moving day itself can be very stressful, so if you’ve got multiple people who can help you, you’ll be much better off! Get some friends or relatives together to help you pack and load everything up. It’s worth securing van hire so you can reduce the number of trips you need to make. If you have people ready and waiting at your new home, they can start on the hard job of making sure that everything is in the right room ready for when you arrive.

Keep some essentials handy for your first night

After a long day of packing, moving and unpacking, you’re going to be exhausted on your first night in your new home and reaching for the takeout menus! Having some first-night essentials, such as towels, PJs, and your toothbrush, will be a good start to help you settle in. Mark them in a box or a bag that you’ll know has all of your important first-night things.

While moving home is stressful, it is a nightmare that will end! Once you’ve unpacked and found your feet, you can start working on making your home your own. From choosing your decor to starting new habits to keep your home clean, there’s a fun and exciting road ahead for you!

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