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Movies for Halloweenies

Movies for Halloweenies

Movies for Halloweenies

So, you want to have fun on Halloween, but scary movies are not your cup of tea. It seems no matter where you turn there are blood and boos, monsters and murder, ghouls and ghastliness. Where does a person who does not want to be scared, but also does not want to be left out, go to have a good time?

There are plenty of movies out there for a scary fun time that fit with the theme but do not make you scream, and we know there are a ton more that would fit this topic but here are five you could watch this year on Halloween night after the tricks have been pulled and the treats have been eaten.

Young Frankenstein (1974) Directed and co-written by Mel Brooks, Young Frankenstein, centers around Dr. Fredrick Frankenstein, played by Gene Wilder, who shares a writing credit on the film, as he inherits his famous family’s castle and tries to resist the urge to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. Young Frankenstein lovingly parodies the black and white Universal monster movies of the 1930s, turning plot points from the original film into high comedy. The supporting cast includes Marty Feldman as Igor, Teri Garr as Inga, Cloris Leachman as Frau Blucher, Madeline Kahn as Elizabeth and Peter Boyle as The Monster. As hilarious now as it was then, Young Frankenstein may be the perfect funny movie of a scary subject. Be on the lookout for a special cameo by Gene Hackman!

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Written and directed by Jim Sharman and based on the play by Richard O’Brien, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a musical extravaganza like no other. Brad and Janet, played by Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon, are a clean cut, engaged couple who stumble upon the castle of that maddest of mad scientists, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, played by Tim Curry, as he is about to unveil his creation to the world. It is wacky, it is zany, and the music will be joyously stuck in your head for hours. The film co-stars Richard O’Brien as Riff Raff, Patricia Quinn as Magenta, Nell Campbell as Columbia and that minstrel of metal himself, Meat Loaf as Eddie. Grab your fishnets, cinch up your corset and let’s do the time warp again!

Ghostbusters (1984) Directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, Ghostbusters is about four paranormal investigators as they set up a service to help people get rid of ghosts and end up summoning something more powerful than they ever expected in the form of an ancient god bent on destroying the world. The film stars Bill Murray as Peter Venkman, Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stanz, Harold Ramis, as Egon Spengler, Ernie Hudson as Winston Zedmore, and Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett. The incredible comedic timing of this magnificent cast saves you from worrying about the scary ghouls on screen. Who you gonna call for Halloween fun?

Shaun of the Dead (2004) Directed and co-written by Edgar Wright, Shaun of the Dead is a Zom-Com (that’s right, a romantic comedy with zombies) where, Shaun, played by Simon Pegg, who shares a co-writing credit, needs to sort his life out, but is stalled when it turns out the day he decides to do something about his lack of motivation is the same day the zombie apocalypse starts in earnest. So, Shaun, his best friend, his ex-girlfriend, her roommates, and his mom, head out to the only place they think they can be safe, Shaun’s favorite pub, The Winchester. Shaun of the Dead includes a great supporting cast with Nick Frost as Ed, Kate Ashfield as Liz, Dylan Moran as David, Lucy Davis as Dianne, Penelope Wilton as Barbara and Bill Nighy as Philip. A little more bloody and gory than some may like, but the jokes and physical comedy will keep you glued to your seat. Make sure you catch all of the great callouts to famous horror movies throughout!

ParaNorman (2012) Directed by Chris Butler and Sam Fell and written by Chris Butler, ParaNorman is the story of an outcast young boy who can speak with ghosts and must learn from some hapless zombies how to save his town from a centuries old curse. The voice cast includes great actors like Anna Kendrick, John Goodman, Elaine Stritch, Jeff Garlin, Leslie Mann and Christopher Mintz-Plasse. The stop-motion animation is incredible, the ghosts and jokes are ridiculously fun and the story has a lot of great heart. This may be the only Halloween film to bring a tear to your eye and make you feel better about having ghosts around.

These five movies are the perfect antecedent to the chills and thrills that accompany this season. Spread them throughout the week for a couple extra doses of Halloween cheer as you eat the leftover candies from the trick or treat bowl.

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