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Fun, fast gaming dice rolling

Boardgame Review Pickominoes

Qwixx from Gamewright, is a dice game that can be found at our local Walmart. For two to five dice rolling loving gamers. A player rolls six dice, 2 white and 4 of differing colors. The player MUST use at least one combination of two dice. Two White or ONE White and one of the colored ones and mark off that number on their score sheet. The red and yellow rows go from 2 to 12 and the green and blue go from 12 to 2. The numbers in each row need to be marked off from left to right – so once you pass a number you cannot go back and fill one in you skipped. The person that marks off the most numbers wins! 15 minutes to play this fun dice rolling game!

Pickominoes from Rio Grande Games is a dice rolling gamers best friend. Both a dice rolling and a press your luck type game. There are numbers tiles numbered from 21 to 36. Each of the tiles has also WORMS printed on them. The lowest numbers have only one while the highest few have four. The goal of the game is to collect the most WORMS!!

Each turn you roll all eight dice and you then set one “set” of the same numbers aside to keep. So if you roll 3 fives you can set those aside to keep and reroll the remaining 5 dice. Then you roll again and set another “set” of the same numbers aside EXCEPT you cannot take fives again. Instead of sixes on the dice there is a worm instead and you MUST at some point have a worm in your dice set. Once you have decided to stop – total your dice and take the tile with that number on it and place it on your stack. Mess up and not be able to take a tile you must return one to the table. You can also roll numbers that allow you to steal a opponent’s tile. When all the tiles are gone – count up your total worms and that person is a winner!

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