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5 Health check-ups you mustn’t avoid

5 Health check-ups you mustn't avoid

5 Health check-ups you mustn't avoid

Prevention is better than cure. Haven’t we heard that phrase every so often? Yet, we fail to follow its advice when it comes to our own health. Most people, especially mothers, put their own health on the back burner, tending to work and family and other more ‘important’ things. However, we forget that if our health is poor, we cannot be there at our optimum for the ones we love, so it’s time to level up and take charge of our own health. And regular health check-ups are an important part of this process. So here are five health check-ups you mustn’t avoid. 

1. Eye Check-Ups

Our eyesight is one of the most valuable things we have, and we must look after it from the very beginning. Sometimes, we might not even realize we have deteriorating eyesight or an increasing number or even an internal eye issue until we get our eyes tested. 

If you have certain health conditions such as diabetes or glaucoma, then it’s even more essential to be regular with your eye check-ups. 

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2. Dental Check-Ups

You must also make it a point to visit your dentist for a general dental check-up at least once a year – and not just when you have a toothache or bleeding gums or a painful cavity. Dentists can identify poor oral hygiene and gum care and can advise you on improving the same, before it becomes a more serious problem. is a good dental practice to register with if you live in or around the area.

3. Regular Blood Tests And Full-Body Health Checks

It’s also important to have a full-body health check as well as essential blood tests at least once a year. This is a good way to monitor things such as sugar levels, cholesterol levels, blood cell count and healthy functioning of organs such as the kidneys. Some people don’t show any signs of illness; yet their sugar levels or cholesterol levels are high and are only detected through a blood test. 

**The next two tests are only for women, but are extremely crucial and must NOT be missed. Both could potentially spot the early stages of cancer, and fight it before it’s too late.

4. Pap Smear

Most women tend to postpone or even completely avoid their pap smear examinations, partially because it’s uncomfortable (and slightly painful for some) and partially because of embarrassment. However, the slight embarrassment nor the few seconds of discomfort are worth the result of not doing regular pap smears – for a pap smear is what catches cervical cancer which is among the most common cancers in women, along with breast cancer. 

5. Mammogram

Like the pap smear, most women keep postponing their mammogram because it to is uncomfortable and painful. But again, a mammogram is what detects unusual lumps in the breast which sometimes could turn out to be cancerous, so it makes complete sense to chin up and bear the few minutes of pain rather than deal with cancer at a later stage.

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