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Senior health: Top 7 ways to stay healthy as you age

Senior health Top 7 ways to stay healthy as you age

Senior health Top 7 ways to stay healthy as you age

Staying healthy becomes more difficult as you age. All the changes in your body, including declining energy levels and an increased risk for chronic illnesses, make it harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But there are many ways to stay on top of your game even when you’re older! This post will cover seven tips for maintaining optimum health as you get older.

Be Active

The key to staying healthy as you age is to be active. It doesn’t mean that you need to train for a marathon or start lifting weights, but it means that doing an activity once or twice a week will help your body stay strong and flexible. Walking, gardening, and playing with pets are all great ways to get the blood moving without too much effort.

If you have a hard time getting started, try setting a reminder on your phone to get up and move every hour or so during the day. If that’s not possible, ask someone in your life for help – they’ll likely appreciate knowing what motivates you!

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Eat Healthily

A healthy diet is the first way to stay fit and active as you age. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet will keep your body running well for years to come. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein from fish or meat sources such as chicken breasts or turkey ham slices – not bacon! Drink lots of water throughout the day.

Eat a variety of foods, such as whole grains and vegetables. Additionally, reduce your intake of salt and sugar. It would help if you also watched what you eat – avoid junk food, mainly processed snacks like potato chips or chocolate bars that are high in fat and calories but low in nutrition.

Detoxify With Juices

Juicing can be a fantastic way to help your body detoxify and remove harmful toxins from within. It is mainly because juicing causes you to consume more vegetables than you would during normal eating, increasing your gut’s vitamin uptake by up to six times. Juices like Goodnature are also easier for your digestive system because the vegetables are already in liquid form.

Learn To Manage Stress

It will help if you start by identifying your stress triggers, so you can choose the best way to cope with them. For example, if facing a disagreement makes you feel anxious or tense, then it might be helpful for you to take some time away from that situation and do something calming like taking a nature walk or playing music at home. If practicing yoga or meditation makes you feel more relaxed, then try incorporating these practices into your routine.

It would help if you also learned where to look for help when stress is overwhelming, and it feels like there’s no way out. Find a supportive person in your life that has skills or resources to help manage the situation with you, such as connecting with an outside counselor if you feel like you can’t control your feelings on your own.

Get Plenty of Rest

It may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning again that sleep is essential if you want to stay healthy. A lack of rest can cause chronic inflammation and lead to health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, depression, and obesity. Experts recommend at least seven hours of sleep per night for adults over 50, but it’s even more critical if you have another chronic health condition.

Take Supplements

Supplements are a great way to get the vitamins and minerals your body may not be getting enough of from food. Supplements can also help with some deficiencies as you age, such as omega-three fatty acids for joint health or vitamin D for bone density. If you’re in doubt about whether supplements would benefit you, talk to your doctor.

Supplements are a great way to get the vitamins and minerals your body may not be getting enough of from food. Supplements can also help with some deficiencies as you age, such as omega-three fatty acids for joint health or vitamin D for bone density.

Periodical Medical Checkups

You should make a point of having regular medical checkups. If you have health problems, doctors can detect them more quickly and treated them earlier. A periodic examination will also help your doctor get to know you better as an individual.

Your doctor will perform a physical examination and ask questions about your health history. Then, they will perform tests, including blood pressure measurement, electrocardiogram (ECG), chest x-ray, and mammography screening for breast cancer in women over 40 years old.


These points will help you stay healthy and keep fit well into your old age. Ensure you do not take anything for granted, but enjoy every bit.

Photo by Yan Krukov

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