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The Best remedies for back pain

The Best remedies for back pain

The Best remedies for back pain

At some point it is likely to occur to you, the dreaded back pain. When it hits you, you might be in so much pain that you can’t even think straight. So here are some top remedies to help you in your hour of need when you need assistance with back pain.

Don’t Stop Moving Completely

Although it can be extremely painful when you have back pain, one of the worst things to do is not move at all in case the muscles seize up. So try to walk around at home every hour or so and get up out of bed so that you are still moving your back. It will get worse if you do not move it at all.

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The Hot Remedy 

Using hot remedies, such as a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel, a hot bath or a cream that provides a warming sensation, can be a soothing relief to the affected area. You could then alternate between hot and cold remedies throughout the day to see what works best for you.

The Cold Remedy 

Instead of using something hot against your back, you can do the opposite and opt for cold instead. Things like a bag of frozen veg (that you will use after it has defrosted) gel ice packs, or ice wrapped in a tea towel can be beneficial when pressed against your skin. The cold sensation can be quite soothing and can help if your skin is feeling particularly hot.

Gentle Exercises 

Once the pain gradually starts to ease a little, you could try doing some gentle exercises such as non-strenuous yoga poses, Pilates, walking and swimming. This will enable you to move your body without over exerting yourself. The last thing you want to do is hurt yourself and end up doing an activity that might make your back worse such as a gym workout, running or tennis.


To help get you through the pain then it will probably be likely that you need painkillers either in the form of tablets or liquid. You can go to the pharmacist to buy some over the counter relief, or if you really need something stronger than it will be best to see your doctor so that they can prescribe you something else to help with the pain.

Patience and Positivity 

It can be quite disheartening when you are not able to move as freely as you normally do, so try not to let it get you down. It can be a slow recovery process when you sprain your back, so try to be patient, as it won’t get better overnight. But if you still do all the above remedies, you will soon see an improvement.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

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