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The Marketing strategies that help a small business stand out

The Marketing strategies that help a small business stand out

The Marketing strategies that help a small business stand out

Small businesses often have to work a lot harder to grab some attention from the market compared to their medium and corporate counterparts. And that can make life for an entrepreneur like you very tricky; you’ve got a lot more legwork to do with around half the budget, and that can tank many companies within the year.

But to help prevent such a thing from happening to you, we’ve put together some marketing strategies that go the extra mile for a new business like yours. Make sure you keep them in mind when you’re coming up with your next advertising campaign.

Plenty of Quality Content

The online world is your oyster, and turning it into a profitable place to be is easier than you think. After all, people want to spend more time online these days, thanks to how much there is to see out there, so why not fill up this gap with some content of your own?

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So get a blog in place. Have something ready to go once or twice a week, and always delve a little more into your niche to offer value to the reader. But even if you don’t currently have a blog, publishing more and more to your Facebook or Twitter profiles can attract a lot more attention your way. We’re all already on social media, so play to your audience, and publish some posts that have an interactive element to them.

Making a Local Scene

The local area is often forgotten about when you’re trying to build a business, but it could be your greatest marketing asset if you pay the right attention to it. After all, the more you do for your local area, the more attention comes your way, and from the people who know and work with you. This is your nearest customer base in action, and advertising to them specifically is a great way to get your company to stand out.

But what can you do to really catch the eye here? You could sponsor an event with your name over the door, you could purchase any of the Allvision Billboards that are nearby to advertise on, and you could even just post a flyer or two through people’s doors. Anything could work, as long as you’re putting emphasis on your local factor and efforts.

Focus on Good Reviews

The more reviews your business has, the better it looks to the customer looking up nearby so and so stores. So make sure you’re at the top of the list here and focus on garnering these good reviews. To do that, you’re going to want to provide the best experience possible.

Have a well trained employee on the customer service desk, make sure it’s easy to check out, be as helpful as possible, and even offer an incentive to come back. Money off discounts, or a loyalty program, always work!

Capitalize Off-line

With the digital world being flooded with content and distractions, one of the best areas to get seen by customers is right where you live. Sponsor a little league team, advertise in your local newspaper, put your ad on a billboard, and the list goes on.  Get your ad up where people live!

If your small business needs to stand out, focus your marketing in areas like these.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

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