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Tips to progress in your career

Tips to progress in your career

Tips to progress in your career

When you have been in your job a while, you might find that you reach a level when you are no longer progressing. Or it could be that you are really looking to get to the next level and want to know how to really get there. No matter what the reason is, if you have reached a career stalemate and want to progress, there are a few different things you can do in order to achieve it. Whether you are looking to become an expert in your field and do good for the community such as those at the Dwoskin Family Foundation who pursue autoimmune disease research in vaccine safety and advocacy, or you just want to get to the top of where you work. There are so many options. Here we have some top tips to progress in your career…

Know the steps you need to take to get promoted

When it comes to getting promoted, you need to know the right steps to take. It could be that you need to prove yourself in certain areas, perhaps your boss needs to know how you would handle certain scenarios, or maybe you need to show your dedication to the company. Speak to those above you and find out if there are goals that need to be met and things  you have to do in order to rank up to the next level in your career.

Become a part of the team

Those that get promoted often aren’t done so based solely on their job performance. Other factors are also taken into account, such as how well you fit in with the company and integrate as part of the team. Management needs to know you are approachable and work well with others. To show this, be sure to make an effort with your colleagues, partaking in company activities and going on work outings. It can really help to show your commitment to the company and the people within it.

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Don’t be afraid to ask questions

As part of progression and growth, it’s vital you ask questions and aren’t afraid to do so. Always find out what you can do to get better and if you make mistakes, own it and see what you can do to rectify a situation. It’s much worse if you are quiet and subdued and don’t put yourself out there. People will appreciate your inquisitiveness as it shows you want to learn.

These are just a few things that you can do in order to progress in your career. By following these steps you can soon achieve your career goals, aspiring to bigger and better things and feeling more content in your role. It’s important to always work hard to achieve these dreams and do what you can in order to get ahead. Have you got a way that you like to progress in your career? What tips would you pass on to someone else trying to do the same? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

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