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What it takes to be a good manager

What it takes to be a good manager

What it takes to be a good manager

Working as a manager and having a team of people underneath you is a lot easier said than done. Securing the position you’re looking for is tough, but all it comes down to is embodying and showing the right skills. And if you don’t have them, succeeding as a manager will always be tough.

That’s why we’re going to talk today about what it takes to be a good manager, whether you want to be one in the future or whether you’re already one but want to get better at it. So read on now and learn about what it takes and what you’ll need to be able to do in order to manage a team effectively.

Taking Responsibility

Taking responsibility for not only your actions but for the outcomes achieved by your team is an important part of what you’ll have to do as a manager. It’s not always easy to keep everyone on track and focused on their work, but if they fail, it’s your failure too. In a way, that’s one of the hardest things to accept as a manager. You’re not just in charge of your own levels of performance but everyone else’s too. Blaming others for failure is not really an option; you just have to make sure outcomes are improving next time.

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Open Communication

Offering open communication to the people working on your team is definitely an important part of being a good manager. If you’re not open with your communication, you’re always going to run the risk of falling short and not getting the most from your team. You want them to feel able to come to you and discuss issues with you as they arise. And that’ll only happen if you have a policy of open communication in the workplace.

Some Empathy When It’s Needed

In the world of business, not everything goes according to plan and there’ll always be hiccups, mistakes and problems that occur along the way. That’s why it’s so important to have some empathy and understanding when your team is struggling in any way. Simply expecting more from them and not understanding what might be preventing them from performing to the best of their ability isn’t going to help them and it’s not helpful for the business either.

Skilled in Delegating Tasks

When you’re skilled in delegating tasks, you can find it much easier to get the most out of each member of your team. Handing out tasks for other people to complete might sound like the easiest part of a manager’s job but it’s not as simple as that. Instead, you need to work on finding the tasks that fit the skills and talents of each member of the team. When you have the right people on the right tasks, it improves outcomes massively.

A Willingness to Keep Learning and Improving

It’s important not to get too arrogant or complacent as a manager. Just because you’re doing alright at the moment, that doesn’t mean that things will stay that way forever. It’s important to realize that things will stay that way forever. With the help of the right STL training, you can make sure that you keep learning and improving. Everyone has stuff to learn and things they can get better at with the right effort and improvements.

Mentorship and Development

As a manager, it’s also part of your job to help the people around you grow and become better at what they do. Being a mentor and looking for opportunities for development among the members of your team is important. It not only helps them develop and take steps forward in their career but it also aids the growth and progress of the business too.

Being Clear About Expectations and Responsibilities

Being clear about what you expect from your team and what responsibilities they have is another important part of the job. You want to make sure that you communicate your expectations and help people understand what they need to be doing as a part of their job. You also need people to know what their responsibilities are if the business is going to carry on functioning as it should.

Being a great manager and an effective manager is easier said than done. So if you aspire to eventually take on a management role in your career, it’s important to understand the importance of each of the factors discussed above because they’ll all play a role in your ability to eventually succeed in a management role.

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