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Even best friends argue: How to tell when your dog is annoyed with you

The relationship between humans and dogs is truly remarkable. For thousands of years, our species evolved together, relied upon each other for survival, and loved each other unconditionally. But misunderstandings occur in even the closest relationships, and as the dominant partners, it’s on humans to try and understand when we’re getting on a dog’s nerves.

* Avoiding or ignoring you. If your dog is tuning you out, it might be because they just don’t want to hang out with you right now.

* Paw smacks. If your dog smacks you in the leg or elsewhere with a paw, they’re probably annoyed about being ignored and want you to fix that.

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* Glaring and licking dry lips. They might be irritated with you or something in the environment.

What are the things that dogs find annoying, anyway?

* Hugs. We love them, but dogs often find them constraining or, worse, anxiety-provoking.

* Costumes. At best, dogs are indifferent to Halloween costumes, and some dogs find them terrifying. If you want to try a costume on your dog, choose one that doesn’t hinder his movements, ease him into it, and reward him with plenty of treats.

* Inconsistency. Dogs thrive on routine and clear boundaries. If you ordinarily allow your dog on the couch, you can’t expect her to suddenly stay off just because you have guests over. And if you always take a morning walk, don’t be surprised when your dog is a handful on days that you don’t.

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