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How to enjoy your vices in a healthy way

How to enjoy your vices in a healthy way

How to enjoy your vices in a healthy way

All of us have our little indulgences. As humans, we are flawed beings. From your chocolate craving to your weekend bet on the horses, there’s always some small vice that makes your life a little more enjoyable. But we can often ruin our own favorite pastimes by taking them too far. Try these tips for enjoying your vices in a healthier way.

Managing A Sugar Craving

Firstly, sugar is not a terrible vice. Sugar naturally occurs in a range of healthy items like fruits. Cutting it out is bad for you. Even totally removing added sugars from your diet might make it worse. Why? Because denying yourself sugar will often lead to a sugar binge. Taking it completely out of your diet will turn it into an obsession, leading you to cave and just eat more than you did before. 4 out of 5 diets will often fail for this exact reason. Try to keep your cake addiction to one day a week and to limit intake without risking bingeing.

Gambling In Moderation

Let’s be clear – if you have a gambling problem, then moderation will not work for you. But if you do enjoy an occasional bet, then there are ways to enjoy this vice in a healthier way. First, go with a set amount of cash, which is affordable to you, and don’t risk more than that. Secondly, go to a reputable site like to bet on legal and popular games and matches. Finally, if you’re worried about going overboard, don’t use real money. Many sites allow you to place a ‘bet’ without any cash at risk.

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Drinking Without Getting Drunk

Drinking can be fun and there is no doubt that the safest thing to do is to stay away from it, but there’s no way to escape that inevitable hangover if you get drunk.

As well as the associated health risks, drinking can leave a deep hole in your memory and your budget. Starting the night with some soft drinks will ensure you don’t start too early, as will spacing out every alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic one. Be sure to eat, too.

If you want to take a longer break from alcohol, there are many alcohol free drinks that mimic all alcohol types, from wine to vodka. If you are looking to take a break, programmes like One Year No Beer can help you to take a constructive break from drinking. 

Not All Vices Are Bad

Some vices are only viewed as bad by the person that enjoys the habit. Things like sleeping in and eating chocolate once a week are actually good for you. If you’re not harming your long term health, finances, or other people, is it really a vice? There are some habits like drinking or gambling that could be bad for you if done excessively. But in moderation, you can still enjoy your vices in a healthy way. Before viewing your guilty pleasure as something that’s bad for you, do some research to see if it’s actually a vice at all.

Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț

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