How many didn’t realize that it was “NATIONAL HAMBURGER DAY”? Every year on May 28th hamburgers are celebrated not only in the United States but on an international level too. Hamburgers are loved by many and served in many different, unique ways and styles.
According to Wikipedia, the origin of the hamburger can be traced back to many different people, countries, and beginnings but one thing is for certain, everyone agrees that the hamburger is a delicious choice.
Locally, we have a lot of great independent restaurants that serve a variety of foods – including hamburgers. So on this National Hamburger Day, think about supporting your local restaurant and celebrating National Hamburger day with them.
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We ate out at Gibby’s Eatery and Sports Bar in downtown Circleville, Ohio, and enjoyed two of their fantastic hamburgers – the Gibster and their BBQ Burger. Both hamburgers were perfectly cooked and topped with cheese, veggies and a side of fries.

On this National Hamburger Day, local restaurants could really use your support now more than ever. The local restaurants are starting to open up dine-in options more and more, and they’re doing what they can to maintain social distancing and safety for their customers, by closing off every other booth and having employees wear masks.
Think and eat local on this National Hamburger Day.