As you get older, your body stops being able to do what it could when you were young. Almost imperceptibly, you begin relying more and more on aids and people around you. At first, it is simple things, like asking your son to carry some boxes up to the attic. Eventually, though, it can become more serious, and you can struggle to leave the house.
Many seniors assume that there is nothing they can do to prevent the process of loss of physical fitness. But that’s rarely the case. Almost always, there’s something you can do to keep your body fighting fit and prevent feeling like you’re at the mercy of the world around you. Physical fitness is a route to continued independence and freedom.
So with that said, here are some reasons why designing an exercise program is so vital for seniors:
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It Helps You Remain Mobile
It is only when you lose mobility that you realize how important it is to your overall lifestyle. When you’re unable to get from A to B, it takes its toll on what you can do. For instance, you can’t go to the store by yourself, or go and pick up your grandchildren from school.
Exercise, however, is a proven way to keep you mobile for longer. It strengthens muscles and prevents senility – a condition that affects the vast majority of people by the time they reach their eighties.
It Makes You Better Able To Deal With Disaster
Just think about how many disasters we’ve seen in recent years. We’ve had storms, flooding, forest fires, earthquakes, and volcano eruptions. It seems like America is more prone to disasters than practically any other country in the world.
If you are a senior, therefore, you need a comprehensive preparation plan. And part of that involves remaining physically fit so that you can escape danger.

It’s not pleasant being housebound during a catastrophic event. You can’t flee. And you can’t take precautionary measures to protect yourself. You’re utterly reliant on neighbors and friends. And they may need to get their own houses in order before they come to yours.
When you’re fit, though, you have freedom. You don’t have to rely on others. If you need to board up a window or move a sandbag to your front door, you can.
It Keeps You Social
Losing fitness is usually a precursor to all sorts of afflictions, including depression. When you find it harder to move, you can’t go and see people as quickly as you could before. And that means that you spend the majority of your time by yourself.
Again, having some sort of exercise plan can help stave off frailty for longer.
Exercise is important because it signals to your body that it needs to repair itself. It can sometimes be hard to get the motivation to go out and exercise. But it can also become a fun part of your life. Being at the gym with other people provides a fun activity during the day while also offering a host of health benefits.