Aries 3/21 4/19:
Just a little effort at controlling spending could put your financial plans back on track.
Taurus 4/20 5/20:
Eat lunch before that meeting. Being hungry depletes your power to endure.
Gemini 5/21 6/20:
Diplomacy saves the day, and that may not be your strong suit. Before you walk away, look again.
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Cancer 6/21 7/22:
A project is becoming difficult, but more information is the key. Don’t give in to anxiety.
Leo 7/23 8/22:
Hold your cards close and don’t be afraid to bluff a little. But in the end, excellence wins the contest.
Virgo 8/23 9/22:
Perk up your environment with small changes this month. Big spending isn’t necessary.
Libra 9/23 10/21:
A travel opportunity may be just the break you need to renew your energy, if you can make time for it.
Scorpio 10/22 11/21:
Your charm and good looks get you in the door, but empathy will serve you over the long term.
Sagittarius 11/22 12/21:
The romance of the full moon shines down on you the 26th. Some Sags need to make a special effort to find a special someone.
Capricorn 12/22 1/19:
A setback hits some Cappys this month, and they know who — and what — is behind it. Add those people to your list and wait in the Capricorn way. Treat the issue as minor.
Aquarius 1/20 2/18:
Time to reorganize as a change in work means you will be at home more often. Tidy up and focus.
Pisces 2/19 3/20:
Making a financial agreement is difficult because you feel there are unknown factors involved. On the job, higher-ups will soon notice your work.