Dear Dave,
Our son is in high school, and he has a part-time job. He makes good grades, and we have always tried to teach him how to save and handle money according to your advice. He has even managed to set aside a few thousand dollars for college. My wife and I were talking the other night, and I brought up the idea of charging him a small amount for rent, maybe just $20 or $25 a month, to help him be even better prepared for the real world. What do you think about this?
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Dear Keith,
I appreciate the fact that you’re looking for teachable moments. But making a high school kid pay rent? No, that’s a little over the top.
Listen, you and your wife are already way ahead of a lot of parents. Teaching him financial responsibility and the importance of education are great things. It sounds like your son is a bright, motivated young man, too.
I talk to adults all the time who are decades older, but still don’t grasp the concepts of maturity and responsibility like this kid does already. With the kind of start you’re giving him, I think he’s going to grow up to be a very successful adult. Keep up the good work, and let that young man know how proud you both are of him!
— Dave
Image by Anastasia Gepp