Is it possible that real live extra terrestrials have visited Earth?
In 2023, Mexico’s Congress was presented with mummified bodies from Peru that Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan claims are aliens. Experts testifying before Mexico’s Congress stopped short of claiming they were aliens, but did say that the bodies were likely real and organic, fueling further speculation given the seemingly inhuman nature of the mummies.
Debates over extraterrestrial life forms might have drawn eye rolls or even ridicule a few years ago, but increasingly, legislative bodies are digging deeper. David Grusch, a former Air Force officer, testified before the United States Congress back in July 2023, alleging a widespread government cover-up of evidence of alien life. However, he said he could not name people involved, nor did he present documentary evidence. American fighter pilot Ryan Graves also testified before Congress and claimed he encountered unidentified objects while in service.
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Even former President Barack Obama has said the United States military has encountered unidentified flying objects. He did not claim the objects were extraterrestrial, but did disclose that the U.S. government had no idea what some of the objects were.
Meanwhile, in India, an unidentified object in the state of Manipur shut the Imphal airport down for a few hours in November.
There are more earthly explanations for the objects. Some argue that UFO stories are just tales designed to distract from real government activities. Others say they are propaganda aimed at earthly enemies. Some say alien bodies are simply fakes. UFOs may just top-secret American drones or drones from another country, some say.