Brenda Arledge was born and raised in New Holland, Ohio and presently resides in Washington Court House, Ohio. She has enjoyed writing poetry since she was as a young girl learning to write words. She believes poetry is the turmoil of one’s emotion that comforts the soul connecting people together. Now a person with a disability, she tries to accomplish the desires she wants to fulfill. Her work can be read on and She is a freelance contributor to Nobleworks Cards, waiting for market review from Blue Mountain Arts Cards and she has published a short story “Nightmare Revenge" in “Office Number One".
She has a page on Facebook “My Writing” where she posts her poetry. She is the administrator of a page on Facebook “Poets with a Voice” which contains poetry of fellow authors. She is the administrator of a group on Facebook “Sparklecity Poetry Group” where she encourages others to post their poetry.
When she is not writing she enjoys planting flowers and taking care of kitty-cats. Her belief statement: “Make the most out of life.”
Her work can be read at:
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© 2021 Dimple Times is a division of E-Quiver, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Visit our other publication, The Pickaway Cultivator for "Adventures, Bucket List and Community" and it's all about Pickaway County, Ohio. Website Design and Hosting by for Pickaway, Fairfield, Fayette and Ross County.