EXIT The Game, is for 1 to 4 cooperating gamers looking to solve the mystery in each box.
There are close to 20 EXIT GAMES mysteries now published, with a new series planned. If you love following clues, solving mysteries, and working alone or with others than these game are for you. Each game is a mystery in a box. The games mysteries are ranked from NOVICE to EXPERT. If you have not played this type of game before, it is recommended you start your adventure with a novice level.
It is suggested that you have pens/pencils, plenty of paper and even scissors/tape possibly available when you play.
Scissors you question? Why would we need scissors for a game? These EXIT GAMES are a new type of game. These games can ONLY be played once. The games run around 10 bucks and will take you alone or with a friend or two a couple of hours to complete. In doing so you may be called upon to bend/fold/destroy parts of the game to complete the mystery rendering it useless for play a second time.
Most family gamers are used to purchasing a game, playing it a couple time then sticking it in the closet, and then getting rid of it at the next yard sale. These EXIT games are played once and you are done. These games are like going to a movie, you spend the money, you are entertained for a few hours and you then have the memories of a great time you had. Before forewarned, these games can be addicting. I made the mistake of giving one of the games to my niece as a birthday present and now she is has completed about a dozen of the series, and she says that with her Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and President’s Day, all coming up, she knows what presents I can get her for these days. Somewhere I think though, she has already had a birthday this year, and are we really supposed to exchange presents for President’s Day?