DESKSCAPE & UNLOCK! are a deck of cards in a box waiting for you to break them open and solve the mystery therein. There are numerous titles in each of these deck libraries.
These games play 1 to 6 players and take about an hour to finish. These are puzzle type games and once complete, and the puzzle solved – you will not want to play them again. You should pass these games onto your friends if you played it alone. The games run about $10 bucks a game and if you and friends could each buy one and trade them amongst each other and all of you will have many hours of fun. Solve the mystery, escape the room…each deck is an unique mystery waiting to be solved.
Looking to break out of a deck in a box genre…
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UNLOCK! has bundled 3 adventures into a box with a theme, and they run about $25 a box. Three times the fun. Each adventure is a stand alone one and when you complete the three with or without your friends help – pass them along to your friends and share the fun.
DECKSCAPE’s newest adventure has broken the model again, and its newest deck is designed for two players or two teams to race to see who can solve the adventure first!
Either alone or with a small group or team against team – DECKSCAPE and UNLOCK! are loads of fun in a small box of playing cards.